As I begin this new graduate course and reflect on the close of another school year, I find that technology is ever-present in my mind. My students are hungry for constant the use of technology, and I am eager to discover new ways to satisfy that hunger. My challenge for this first blog entry is to answer the following questions in the style of a "Tweet." As if answering these questions on Twitter, my responses will be limited 104 characters or fewer. Let the challenge begin!
Who are you and what do you do?
I am a daughter/sister/bookworm/craft-enthusiast
who teaches 6th grade at a cyber school serving students across PA.
What is your primary goal for taking this course?
I want to find new
digital media tools to use with my students as I prepare to help pilot a new PBL
gifted program next school year.
What is your philosophy of education?
All students can learn when given the proper tools to succeed.
What do you see as the greatest benefit of using technology and/or digital media in the classroom?
Technology can take students far beyond the four walls of a classroom without ever having to stand up!
What is your biggest concern or challenge with using technology and/or digital media in the classroom?
While technology opens doors to learning, it can also open the door to plagiarism, innappropriate content, and online predators.
Provide an example of how you currently use technology and/or digital media in the classroom.
As a cyber school teacher, I use technology every day to reach my students
through online meetings, email, message boards, and enrichments.
How does your classroom today differ from when you were the same age as your students?
As a 6th grader, computers were just being introduced in my
school. Now as a teacher of 6th
graders, my students use computers every day.